Consider this: statistics show one of every five women will be attacked or raped in their lifetime. Think about yourself and four close female friends. Which one of you will it be?
Make sure it's not you OR your friends. Take a Rape Escape course together and learn how to protect yourselves with techniques proven to work in the real world!
Rape Escape is an innovative self-defense method designed specifically to teach women how to defend themselves. This course is not the same old tired information you already know like "walk with confidence" or "don't go to the ATM late at night." Nor does it contain ineffective advice such as "poke him in the eyes and run." In fact, Rape Escape discourages such techniques that play to the attacker’s strengths. If you try to fight the bad guy like a man would, the guy is going to win.
That's why our motto is "Fight Like a Girl!" Rape Escape's Fight Like a Girl philosophy teaches each woman to bring her particular strengths to the conflict. We teach participants how to not fight directly into the strengths of the attacker, but rather how to best utilize their own strengths while minimizing the strengths and maximizing the weaknesses of the male attacker.
Once you decide to take this first step in your own survival, you have already increased the odds in your favor - dramatically. In fact, women who resist are twice as likely to escape injury as others. According to 2005 US Bureau of Justice statistics, more than 57% of women who used some form of self-protection during an attack reported it helped the situation; and over 90% of those women reporting it helped them avoid greater injury, escape, or scare away the offender.
The Rape Escape curriculum is flexible, requiring a minimum of one three-hour course. Courses can be customized and taught in almost any large room as long as mats are provided. Upon completion of the basic course, the average woman can reasonably expect to defend herself against the most common and probable attacks using the techniques presented. However, interested participants can continue through two additional courses.
For about the cost of a massage, you can learn how to protect yourself for life. So for your next "girls day out" skip the spa and take a Rape Escape class. Kevin Beale, a certified Rape Escape instructor, will teach your group the Rape Escape - Fight Like a Girl method. Instructor Beale is also a martial arts master in several styles with over 20 years of continuous martial arts training including expertise in hand to hand combat. More information about Kevin Beale's qualifications can be found on the About Kevin Beale page. More information about the Rape Escape program can be found at or you can download our Rape Escape Brochure.
The Rape Escape curriculum gives women the tools and knowledge to handle the most common sexual assault scenarios. Rape Escape offers organizations and businesses a chance to do something for employees that can make a difference in their daily lives, while helping the corporation to decrease its exposure to litigation that could arise if an assault or abduction ever did occur on company property. A customized Rape Escape program cam be crafted just for your group or company. We will come to your site or you can come to ours. (Sites Must provide Mats)
Kevin Beale is an experienced self defense and Martial Arts Instructor, with an extensive background in the development and implementation of self-defense classes, workshops, demonstrations, and seminars. Using strong presentation and communication skills he has worked with a variety of audiences including women, senior citizens and children. He has taught groups from local governments, health clubs, and civic associations, including:
For more information or to set up a Rape Escape class for your public or private group or business, please contact:
Kevin Beale
202-595-4493 (cell)
202-889-8311 (home)